Find Your Tribe Workshop

Loving, supportive, harmonious and enduring relationships await you

when you start to say "Yes!" to boundaries!

Start Now!

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You are not


The "new normal" has left many feeling isolated and blue.

  • Friends pitted against friends
  • Brother against brother
  • Workplace struggles seemingly unnavigable
  • Families torn apart
  • People desperate for human contact

I've been there.

After my second child was born, I was physically crippled. I had just learned my first child had autism. I wasn't sleeping. I felt isolated and alone. The family and friends I had around me were exacerbating my low sense of self-worth.

I slipped into poor parenting habits to cope with my overwhelm. I was in a terrible cycle of depression. I was 40 lbs overweight. It was affecting my health, my relationship with my husband and children, and the worst part was that everyone I reached out to for help made me feel even lower and gave me advice that didn't resonate with my core values and principles.

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I am living my dreams.

First, I invested in myself...

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  • discovering my values & vision.
  • I learned to prioritize and take action on my values & vision.
  • I created and maintained healthy boundaries that weeded unsupportive and unhealthy people and behaviors from my life.
  • I put my authentic self out into the world "offensively."
  • I learned to state my terms with people so they knew how to be more supportive of my life and vision.
  • I learned to ask how I could be a supportive friend.

I now have a life TEAMING with harmonious relationships that support me in my dreams,

and you can, too!

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have it


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Implementing healthy boundaries *the right way* will help you create loving, supportive, harmonious and enduring relationships.

You will not only improve your social life. These tools will help you create EVERYTHING you desire.

From your dream job and home to health, wealth, romance, travel and leisure, it's yours for the taking!

"I'm on a boat!"

"It's not what you know,

it's WHO you know."

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Who you know now may be influencing the outcome of your life. It's time to get the right people in your life and learn the skills to have strong relationships that move your life in the direction of your dreams.

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What's in the course?

  • In this workshop, you will learn how to make boundaries the right way so that your friends and family are offered irresistable, supportive roles, helping you live your best life.
  • You will also learn to attract the people who share your values and vision to propel you toward the life you truly love living.
  • You will create a personal value "cheat sheet" to keep with you at all times for any spur of the moment decision making.
  • You will get a clearer picture of your vision and get started creating a vision board to keep your goals in front of you.
  • You will learn to track to your physical body cues for important messages about everything in life from health to finances.
  • You will learn to intuit the wisdom of your most admired heroes so that you never "need" outside perspectives or validation.
  • You will learn the offensive strategy position to play in life so you are always expanding on the experiences you want most.
  • You will also learn defensive strategies that quickly return your life back to playing offensive strategies as your default position.
  • Last, you will learn how to take all these tools and coalesce them to create an effortlessly peaceful and harmonious life!

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It pays to know good people!

It costs too much to be alone.

40% of all new hires come through employee referrals, and 46% of couples meet through family and friends.

A lack of social ties is associated with depression, cognitive decline, and increased mortality. One study found that lack of strong relationships increased the risk of premature death from all causes by 50%. That's comparable to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. It's worse than obesity and physical inactivity!

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~opportunities and fulfillment,

~joy and comfort,

~care and encouragement,

~love and romance,

~education and enrichment,

~collaborations and inspiration,

~introductions and engagements,

~health, wealth and happiness!

Join Now!

Healthy relationships bring:

Sheena Alexandra,

The Freedom Collective

"Karen allowed me to see my own shadows that needed addressing, w/o making me feel bad or guilty about the choices I made that got me there."

Don't take my word for it...

Tara Brooks,

Liberty Activist, Nurse

"Getting Karen's quick perspective is like going to six back to back therapy sessions, and after, I just feel so clear, so motivated and SO good!"

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Barbra French,

Teacher, Actor, Activist

"When family issues came up for me, I said to myself 'this is what I need to know, and Karen is the person with the life experience from whom I will learn it'."

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Start the new year right learning

everything I have learned starting

Sunday January 1st, 2023

2p-3:30p MDT each Sunday afternoon

for the Early Bird price of ONLY $111.11

Press "PLAY NOW!" to take advantage of this amazing offer today

and to Find Your Tribe!


Early Bird Pricing Ends December 21st!

And, more importantly,

what doesn't!

You could spend:

$3,000 on goal setting courses,

$300 on a vision board workshop, $500 on a meditation retreat, and

$150 on a 10 week prosperity and vision statement course to get

what you will learn in this

Find Your Tribe Worskshop!

This is a value of easily over $3,950 and countless hours!!!

I spent 30 years sitting in therapy, reading self-help books, studying ministry, and struggling in my life trying to make my relationships work. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on books, workshops, therapy and mind set classes. All this effort so you don't have to!

I will show you how to make relationships PLAY!

I spent 30 years learning what works,

*regular price $222.22

starts December 22nd, 2022

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